Evelyn “Ms. E” Polk

Having published my memoir “It’s Heart Work: Being The
Village That Raises A Child”, I’ve received an
overwhelmingly positive response from readers, both
familiar and unfamiliar with issues related to foster care
and adoption.

The most common response I hear is “I couldn’t put it
down”.  Of course this is a response every author wants
to hear about their work! However in my continued
observations, conversations and work with adults in “the
village” I find that most often a reader’s emotional
responses are focused on the subjects, and not
integrated into their own personal experiences and
hearts’ reactions. It is relatively easy to be an observer of
another’s experiences, however, it’s quite a different
when you put your heart into those experiences.

After reading the book authored by my friend and
colleague, Dan Smith, I was surprised and impressed by
how much more I gained from reading his book by going
through the introspective process of answering and
completing the questions at the end of each chapter.  
Then it occurred to me to develop a workbook to
accompany my memoir.

If you are a current or potential foster or
adoptive parent, social worker, therapist,
educator, youth worker, mentor, or even
neighbor in the village it is imperative that your
heart is completely opened in order to have a
positive impact in the lives of our young
people. For those of you are sincerely
committed to your role in the village I invite you
to honestly search your heart before/while
putting it to work.

Hearts & Blessings!
Evelyn “Ms. E” Polk