Charles Greevy

Professional Credentials

Supreme Court Lawyer Charles Greevy of Williamsport, PA
Charles "Skip" Greevy III, has been a practicing lawyer in Williamsport, Pennsylvania since 1969, with a private office in Lycoming County. Since 1976, he has been Solicitor for the Lycoming County Children and Youth Agency, the Lycoming-Clinton County MHMR County Planning Commission since 1983.

Professionally, he has been admitted to the PENNSYLVANIA SUPREME COURT, SUPERIOR and COMMONWEALTH COURTS, and is licensed to practice law in all counties of Pennsylvania.  He is admitted to, and has argued cases before the FEDERAL MIDDLE DISTRICT COURT of Pennsylvania, the THIRD CIRCUIT COURT of FEDERAL APPEALS, and the UNITED SUPREME COURT in WASHINGTON D.C.. 

Charles Greevy successfully argued a landmark adoption case before the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT in 1982, which restricted the jurisdiction of the federal criminal habeas corpus statute.  He has served as a faculty member for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute.

A word from Mr. Greevy.

To Whom It May Concern:

I would like take this opportunity to lend my endorsement and enthusiasm to Christopher Chmielewski, and his new business venture the first and only monthly foster care industry magazine Foster Focus

It is new innovative ideas like this one that allow veterans of this industry, like myself, to expand and improve upon what we have gained through our years of experience and keeps us modern.  Information in this industry is at an absolute minimum, and the professionals of this industry our yearning for this utterly vital information to be presented to them in a timely efficient matter, it is my opinion that Foster Focus would begin to improve this issue.  In talks I have had with Chris Chmielewski I have learned that he has a plan to completely modernize the foster care industry, through Foster Focus, as well as, six business to business trade publications.  In addition, seminars, both person to person and web seminars featuring the titans of the industry.  Ultimately leading to a facility that would house and teach last year foster children the tools, degrees and life skills that they will need after care. 

It is with all of my history in the industry that I can say that Foster Focus could become almost an industry necessity within one year’s time.  I believe in this project so much that I have offered to write a monthly column called Lawmakers Featuring Charles Greevy for it.

In closing, I urge you to support this young man and his vision of the first monthly foster care industry magazine Foster Focus.

Charles Greevy Esq.